7th Chancery Court of Mississippi
7th Chancery Court of Mississippi

What is the Chancery Court?

The 7th Chancery Court is a court of equity, or fairness, created to hear those types of cases where the strict application of the law could not give adequate remedy. As such, the Chancery Court, by statute and the Mississippi Constitution, hears all cases of:

  • Divorce, alimony, and child custody and support

  • Minors' business

  • All matters in equity, including cases of fraud or mistake, property rights, conveyances of property, mortgages and liens on property, injunctions, specific performance of contracts

  • Matters testamentary and of administration

  • Matters of idiocy, lunacy, and persons of unsound minds

  • All matters of which the Chancery Court had jurisdiction when the state constitution came into existence

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