7th Chancery Court of Mississippi
7th Chancery Court of Mississippi

Master Court Docket

The 7th Chancery Court Master Docket link will take you to the Court's Docket for the next three months. You can sort the information by Chancellors or view all. General rules regarding the docket are as follows:

  • Friday is the Court's ex parte day. Hearings are held at the Leflore County Courthouse, in Greenwood, although the Chancellor will hear matters from the entire district on this day.

  • All cases are set to a time certain.

  • As a general rule, backup settings are not permitted.

  • All cases must be set with the Court Administrator. Do not use this docket to set matters, as it is very fluid, and changes several times each day.

  • Orders Setting are not required, although the Chancellor will be happy to enter an order if one is desired.

  • Available dates are on a first-come, first-served, basis. When you obtain available dates from the Court Administrator, please be aware that the dates will not be held. Thus, the earlier you can confirm the date, the more likely it is that the date will still be available.

Access the 7th Chancery Court Master Docket online now. | https://www.7chanceryms.com/calendar/ - 7chanceryms.com   Access the 7th Chancery Court Master Docket online now.

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